Saturday 3 January 2009

Race delayed after blizzards

The Blizzard-like conditions that have hindered progress in Antarctica have finally abated and the six teams are at the start line ready to race.

After completing the 100 miles of Crevasse Field training, they have spent a few frustrating days practically tent-bound and taking it in turns to dig their tents free of drifting snow, at temperatures of approx -25 degrees centigrade.

This has delayed the race start but it now commences tomorrow on Sunday 4th January at 2009 - 430 nautical miles across the largest ice cap in the world to the Geographic South Pole.

Daily race updates and team blogs will be available on and further e mail updates will be sent out every few days. The next opportunity to interview competitors will be at the first checkpoint, approx half way and 15 days into the race (map attached).

The attached picture shows the competitors camp at the end of Crevasse Field Training.

Please visit for additional information and individual biographies as well as details of the teams own websites and the charities they support.

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